Volumetric video streaming offers users to indulge in immersion with the subject which is streamed onto user's VR/AR headset, as users can watch the subject from all possible angles, that too in real time. Probably this takes us one step closer to the Metaverse?
This talk includes topics which will cover how we achieved streaming volumetric video content in real time between two sites. The talk begins with a brief introduction of Volumetric Video and V3C (Visual Volumetric Video-based Coding) standard then it touches upon the hardware setup we use to capture the content and the software architecture (mostly consists of GStreamer pipelines) we use to materialize the goal of streaming volumetric video content from a computer and eventually rendering it on VR/AR headset. Potentially there will be a demo also in the end of the talk, if time permits.
Duration of the talk | |
Speaker bio | Sudarshan Bisht works at Nokia (Espoo, Finland) as a Principal Software Engineer in video research team. His main tasks are to design, develop and maintain systems/softwares which revolves around video technology. |