Streaming from a PC a decent quality 3D video resulting from capturing a simple scene in a small room using a couple of cameras, though challenging, is getting possible. Using V3C standard, V-PCC extension for point cloud coding and GStreamer is compelling enough for adaptation. Because the standard’s reference implementation is not practically usable for real-time streaming, a more adequate solution is required. This solution applies certain simplifications and complexity reductions, without compromising quality.
This talk will include topics related to the development of the encoder using a single GStreamer pipeline run on a PC. It will begin by shortly introducing the V-PCC encoding. Next it will cover how a V-PCC encoder developed separately in C++ can be used in GStreamer through a plugin. The talk will then cover the pipeline in general: pre-recorded file-based sources (from live cameras), CPU-based point cloud reconstruction and CPU based V-PCC encoding, GPU accelerated video encoding, and then GPU accelerated video decoding, GPU based V-PCC decoding, point cloud reconstruction, and finally rendering all using OpenGL.
There could be some demo at the end of the talk if time permits.
Duration of the talk | |
Speaker bio | I’m working for Nokia as Principal Researcher of Computer Graphics in Tampere, Finland. I am currently doing research in 3D video encoding topics. I have a background in applied mathematics/physics and programming. |