24-26 September 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

GStreamer and VSCode: a love story

25 Sep 2023, 16:45
Room 2 (Palexco)

Room 2



Andoni Morales Alastruey (Fluendo)


Emacs, Vim or ... VScode? Launched publicly in 2016, Visual Studio Code has quickly become the preferred IDE among professional developers, with a 74% share among all IDEs based on StackOverflow's 2023 annual survey.

During this year, several efforts have been made in Meson, its VScode plugin and GStreamer itself resulting in a seamless user experience to hack on GStreamer with VSCode, whether it's in the C/C++ libraries and plugins or the Rust plugins. The VSCode integration with meson provides intellisense support, unit tests integration, debugging and much more, allowing to build and debug GStreamer with a single click of a button, even on Windows.

In this talk, we will start with a quick introduction to how Meson's Visual Studio Code integration works and a summary of all the efforts done to reach the current stage. The talk will continue by explaining how to set up and configure VScode to work on GStreamer for C/C++ and Rust and how to use the different integration features for development, testing and debugging. We will finish this talk with an example of its use in a demo application.

Duration of the talk
Speaker bio Andoni Morales Alastruey has been a GStreamer contributor since 2009. He works for Fluendo as head of innovation, developing new products around desktop virtualization, video codecs and AI-based computer vision. He is the founder of LongoMatch, a sports video analysis software that got him hooked into GStreamer.

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