Isabella Basso
(University of São Paulo)
Maíra Canal
(University of São Paulo)
Magali Lemes
It's very easy for Linux kernel driver maintainers to build strongholds around their code, as it's very difficult for the lay contributor to understand unusual macros or code that's often not properly documented and assumed to be only edited by "experts". As this is often the case with DRM drivers, we propose the adoption of KUnit as a tool not only for making such code more reliable, but also for making it more approachable as unit tests provide a simple and elegant way of finding exactly which piece of code has been broken. We explore this magic tool's adoption in the context of AMD's jarring DML submodule and how we can turn it from a spooky piece of code to a more friendly face.
In-person or virtual presentation | In-person |
For which conference do you send the proposal? | X.Org Developers Conference 2022 |
Code of Conduct | Yes |
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy | Yes |
Primary authors
Isabella Basso
(University of São Paulo)
Tales Aparecida
Maíra Canal
(University of São Paulo)
Magali Lemes