Many notebook systems introduced in recent years are equipped with both integrated and discrete GPUs, and allow for driving displays using either GPU or both GPUs. Several newer notebook designs include dynamic display mux hardware, which enables switching between GPUs while the system is actively running and displaying content. Investigation into implementing support for dynamic mux switches has highlighted limitations in existing Linux software infrastructure, such as vga-switcheroo, which prevent this hardware from being used to its fullest potential.
This talk will present an overview of dynamic display mux hardware and the use cases which it makes possible, review existing proposals for extending DRM-KMS to support dynamic mux switching, and provide a high-level outline for how display servers and compositors would need to be updated to take advantage of dynamic mux functionality once it's available in the kernel.
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy | No |
Code of Conduct | Yes |
In-person or virtual presentation | In-person |