9-11 October 2024
Concordia University Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

A Post Processing Layer for Color Management in Linux

10 Oct 2024, 17:30
Concordia University Conference Centre

Concordia University Conference Centre

1450 Guy St., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3H 0A1
Lightning Talk Lightning Talks


Richard Everheart (AAD)


Current success in getting advanced color management (HDR, ICC profiles) working on linux involved in-driver solutions (i.e. AMD's DCN). While this is a pragmatic approach, it also has drawbacks in that it is not cross-platform, and is limited to the capabilities of the underlying hardware. We introduce an alternative approach, in which we implement a just in time post processing layer that can convert SDR content to HDR content, transition between color volumes, and enable advanced post processing effects for multimedia that are not currently present on Linux. We claim our approach is competitive with device driver approaches in terms of efficiency, while being platform agnostic. Our work has been implemented as a library, which has, in turn, been integrated into a fork of libdrm to automatically enable advanced color capabilities. By linking against our version of libdrm, X11 WMs, and Wayland compositors can render SDR content as HDR, HDR content as HDR, and more, without any additional implementation. Moreover, we provide a simple solution -- mathematically derived from color science -- for allowing HDR (PQ EOTF) applications to render correctly on existing SDR WMs/Compositors with minimal additional implementation. Our work supports the SMPTE 2084 (HDR10), and SMPTE 2096 (HDR10+) specifications.

In-person or virtual presentation In-person
Code of Conduct Yes
GSoC, EVoC or Outreachy No

Primary author

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2024 Gold Sponsors
2024 Silver Sponsors
The Linux Foundation
2024 Bronze Sponsors
Khronos Group
Libre Computer