17-19 October 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone

Focus on exciting development, delegate tedious dependencies update

19 Oct 2023, 16:40


Muelle de Trasatlánticos, s/n, 15003 A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain
Lightning Talk Lightning Talks II


Sergi Blanch Torné (Collabora)


Whoops! There is a reminder to check your project's dependencies and update the revisions used. Oof, again we need to deal with job failures caused by changes made long ago. You tell yourself it's something you should do more often, but monitoring those dependencies is tedious.

Continuous Integration is here to help us during development. We have automated the testing process, so we can handle a test-driven design. But still, some tasks interrupt the genuine challenges that need to be solved.

We would like to propose to you a solution to do this automatically: it is called ci-uprev. It can generate a proposal merge request when a new revision of the dependency can be used. If there are further problems than the updated expectations, it can generate an issue with the information. The information is fresh and comes from recent changes, so the people around still remember why they were required.

But what if there is some information in the jobs pipeline that you have to browse individually? Uprev also needed that functionality so we created a tool called ci-collate. It allows you to define which jobs are interesting for you, and generates a JSON structure detailing what all those jobs have.

A practical application for this is the "nightly runs", where we do more extensive tests in Mesa than what we can do in the "pre-merge". If there are some expectations to update, you can have a patch (or even a merge request) based on the results of your pipeline. Get it automatically; you can use cron or launch it from your console.

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